Menopause – the phase of life which no woman can escape from. As mentioned in the previous article menopause brings with it a great deal of irritation and annoyance which is mainly due to hormonal imbalance. The  intensity of menopausal symptoms experienced by every woman varies, depending upon her tolerance level and her other health and nutritional issues. Instead of surrendering to the situation, incorporating few changes in regular lifestyle and diet, can work wonders and keep the phase in control.

Few simple tips :

  1. Follow regular meal timings.
  2. Avoid too much of spicy, oily, fermented and stale foods.
  3. Avoid frequent eating of food products with saturated fats like cheese, paneer, khoya,etc.
  4. Bring into practice of having milk, ghee regularly in diet, it replenishes wear and tear of the body. Also eat butter at times. Such as Ashwagandha powder + ghee + sugar + milk builds up muscle strength.
  5. Generally most of the females experience mood swings and irritation, in this case milk medicated with gold, or Shatavari, Ashwagandha or Brahmi is more effective.
  6. Roasted food should be preferred, like corn flakes, rice flakes, puffed rice (laja), wheat flakes jowar, bajra roti, or other preparation made from flour of roasted grains.
  7. Various Soups, fresh buttermilk, fruit juices, Shatavari kalpa mixed in either water or milk boosts up energy and keeps mind calm.
  8. Sweet Gruel (Kheer) made of rice, vermicelle. Moong dal khichdi. Vegetables like White pumpkin, Okra, Snake gourd, Drumstick, Bottle gourd, Ridged gourd, and other vegetables which are easy to digest.
  9. Fruits like Pomogranate, Guava, Fig, Amla, Grapes which are rich in antioxidant properties should be consumed,also Almonds, Black raisins, Dry fig, Dates and Walnut gives additional benifits.
  10. Include Coconut, Moramla (sweet preparation of amla), Gulkand (a preparation with rose petals in sugar syrup), Shatavari kalpa, Dates, Coconut water,preparations of Dinka(gum), White pumpkin, Ragi, Udad and Moong dal. These preparations not only provide nourishment but also prevents osteoporosis which is a very commonly faced problem during menopause. It also helps to keep your mind and body calm.

Regular practice of yogasanas like Kapalabhati, Tadasana, Trikonasana, Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasan, Paschimothanasana, Marichyasana, Pavanamuktasana, Anuloma viloma, Pranayam and meditation techniques helps immensely, it reduces cortisol in blood, regulates endocrine gland and maintains proper functioning of crucial glands.

Medications like Kushmanda pak, Dashmoolarishtha, Chyawanprash, Amrutprasha, Agastyaharitaki. Yashtimadhu, Gokshur, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Guduchi, Medicated milk with one or combination of  these powders help in tackling this transitional phase with great ease and comfort.

Thus few changes in our lifestyle can reflect positively and make us strong and confident from within to fight against the hurdles in this phase.