sleepThe foundation of human life rests on Three Pillars, namely Ahar (Diet), Nidra (Sleep), and Brahmacharya (Celibacy), any imbalance in these pillars can cause serious harm to our body. In this article, we’ll know more about Nidra i.e. sleep. we can depict its importance as – Sleep is the rejuvenation program set for every live body by the creator, it not only nourishes and refreshes our body but also our mind and spirit. Peaceful sleep is the key to Physical and mental well-being.

While explaining the importance of Peaceful Sleep Ayurveda states – an inappropriate sleep or lack of sleep for longer duration can be the cause for ill health, unhealthy weight loss, debility, impotency, infertility, memory loss, irritability, mental confusion and even death.

Sleep times vary with an individual’s prakriti (body constitution) , but it is always best to take an adequate amount of sleep at night only. In certain exceptional conditions person is allowed to sleep at daytime.

sym sleepIdeally a person retires to sleep when all his sensory organs, mind and body gets tired; but altered work schedules, stress, illness, physical or emotional discomfort, some medications, depression, shift duties, repeated faulty lifestyles like late night parties, watching television till late hours, etc can lead to Insomnia or sleeplessness.

Deprived sleep patterns can be categorized into :

You can try out these few tips to get adequate and sound sleep at night –

Long term sleep deprivation can be benefited with Panchakarma treatments like –

  1. Nasya
  2. Shirodhara with desirable medicated oil or medicated milk or buttermilk this dhararelieves mental stress and also pacifies vata thus helping the mind and body to calm down.
  3. Shirobasti and Shiroabhyanga
  4. Abhyanga, Udvartana and Padabhyanga gives the necessary body relaxation and pain relief if any.
  5. Medicines like Brahmi, Sarpagandha, Ashwagandha,Jatamansi ,Tagar are good brain tonics and act as good sedatives, these medicines can be taken singly or in combination in different forms like powder, decoction, or asav-arishtha
  6. Saraswatarishta plain or with gold, mixed with water at bedtime not only acts as good sedative but is a very good brain tonic. It helps you get a good sound sleep.

All these therapies and medicines should be strictly taken under the guidance of experienced Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Happy healthy sleeping with Ayurveda. ,